For American & European shipment provider
The customer has requested to develop a core platform which would include a rich set of CRM and ERP features. Using such a platform, the customer would outsource its services to other small group of clients.
The system to be developed should be transparently integrated into the existing APIs and tracking / shipment boards offered by the US data providers. The scope of the core platform functionality and codebase of the core framework was very large and covered lots of business processes related to product management, pricing and ordering areas.
The technical challenges in this case were:
- Necessity to understand and drastically improve the details of complex various business processes related to order management, order handling workflow, service management and integration with other old technologies
- Diverse set of technologies used internally (including several custom ones developed by the core customer’ development team)
- Necessity to ensure the scalability of the system developed, as well as its proper operation under very high workload conditions on production stage
- Necessity to perform integration with diverse set of external subsystems used for performing payments, inventory management, sales management, calculation of shipping costs, invoice generation, IP phone communication, etc.